Monday, March 5, 2012

Betraying Our Values Abroad: How Western Corporations in China Lobbied Against Workers' Rights

by Nomad
Western corporations and economists regularly promote the idea that trade with China has had, and will have, a civilizing effect on the institutions there. As adjunct scholar Stuart Anderson writes
“U.S. corporations act as a liberalizing force, helping to strengthen the private sector, establishing alternative centers of power, and creating subtle but important pressures for democratic reforms. They also tend to raise wages and labor standards in the countries in which they operate.”
Regardless of the merits of the statement, Anderson as a former director at the Cato Institute is hardly an unbiased scholar. The Cato Institute is a libertarian think tank headquartered in Washington, D.C. by Charles Koch, chairman of the board and chief executive officer of the oil conglomerate Koch Industries, Inc.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Secret Problem with Jeb: Why Another Bush is not the Solution 2/2

by Nomad

In the previous post we examined the kind assistance Jeb Bush, gave a Cuban exile turned business and how that led to one of the largest Medicare frauds in American history. In this post, we will look into some other possible reasons why Jeb Bush (and his father) would have been so eager to help Recarey and his friends.

The Exiled Mobster
With Jeb Bush's help in overcoming certain Medicare regulations, Cuban businessman and Bush business partner Miguel Recarey was able to amass a fortune in a very short time. 

In exchange, he provided free and no-questions medical care to Nicaraguan right wing rebels, otherwise known as Contras. When the scheme collapsed, Bush and high level Bush administration officials successfully helped Recarey avoid prosecution and even had the kindness to give him a bonus for his services in the form of a hefty IRS check.
But Bush and company were not the only people involved in Recarey Medicare fraud. If he had friends in high places, Recarey also has important contact in the lower realms too.
Back in 1988, Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Sydney P. Freedberg of the Wall Street Journal, wrote of Miguel Recarey’s longstanding connection with Florida underworld boss Santo Traffincante, Jr. It was alleged by Miguel Recarey's associates that the medical company IMC was, in fact, financed by the Miami mafia don Trafficante.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Sanity Break: Sinnnerman Remix

For a small sanity break:
Normally I don't like remixes. I mean, half the time remixes are made by people with half  the talent of the original and it depresses me to think that a whole generation is going to listen to the remix version and think that this is the original. (Look what Vanilla Ice did to Bowie/Queen's Under Pressure
However, the clip below, (taken from the great Nina Simone's Sinnerman has taken a hypnotic and powerful song - without ruining it- and used the best part without spoiling the effects. Added to that, some bright young thing has taken a superior video and combined them. (Perhaps this can be a tribute to Andrew Breitbart who died this week.) 
I hope you like it as much as I did. 

And here's a remix of the video of the remix of the audio.
Unfortunately there's no way to embed the video (as far as I could see) but it's perfectly safe. By the way, every time you watch it, it seems different so I suppose the scenes are selected randomly.
So what do you think? Thumbs up or thumbs down?