Tuesday, January 7, 2020

History Has Shown Us the Dangers of a Weak Congress and Where It Leads

by Nomad

When the Democratic-led House of Representatives was attempting to investigate the allegations against President Trump in drawing up articles of impeachment, there was no mistaking contempt the president's and his allies had for Congress.

When Congress called key witnesses to testify, the president ordered them to ignore subpoenas. It was, Trump claimed, a witch hunt. Congress quite rightly pointed out it was simply fulfilling its legitimate, constitutional oversight role.
The House could have issued criminal and civil fines, including jail time. Instead, it allowed the president to block the inquiry with impunity. Wasn't this an unequivocal act of obstruction? No, said the administration, it was an assertion of executive privilege.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

A Holiday Message to My Wonderful Nomads

by Nomad

So how are you spending Christmas this year?
Even though I don't celebrate Christmas, I am helping to put together a New Years' "bash" at a local cafe. Looks like this party will be a lot of fun. 

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

WATCH LIVE: Final House Vote on Articles of Impeachment

by Nomad

Watch as history is made today.
The full House of Representatives will debate and vote on the articles of impeachment. If at least one of the articles passes, Trump will be the third president in U.S. history to be impeached. If the House decides to impeach, the Senate will hold a trial to consider if Trump should be removed from office.
No matter what the outcome in the Senate, one thing is undeniable: President Trump's lawlessness has caused an unprecedented constitutional crisis.  

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Fears that President Trump's Racism is Undoing the Military's Anti-Extremist Policy

by Nomad

Social media erupted with outrage on Saturday after video footage seemed to show cadets from West Point and midshipmen from the Naval Academy flashing what some claim to be white supremacists hand gestures.
Was it a case of "much ado over nothing"- a harmless bit of horsing around, or yet another case of "everything Trump touches turns to crap"? President Trump had traveled to Philadelphia to attend the annual football game and reportedly received a standing ovation.