Saturday, March 3, 2012

The Secret Problem with Jeb: Why Another Bush is not the Solution 1/2

by Nomad

Some in the Republican party still consider Jeb Bush a possible candidate in a run for the White House. This two-part series lays out the case against Bush in exact detail. 

In the last presidential election, many people were stunned at the quality of the candidates. They looked outside of the pool for a Republican candidate with solid credentials and a familiar name.  
One name that’s been put forward is former Florida governor, John Ellis “Jeb” Bush, the younger brother of the former president George W. Bush and  second son  of the former president, George H. W. Bush. As writer Joe Conason notes:
The first obstacle that Jeb would have to surmount is that to most Americans outside the Sunshine State, he is known only as the brother of George W. Bush, most recently named one of the two worst presidents in the past half-century by respondents to a Gallup poll—rated just above the late Richard M. Nixon, in fact.
Let’s face it. That’s a mighty heavy burden. You could even add another brother, Neil -master of the S & L crisis and a grandfather, Prescott who raised FDR's hackles for his banking deals with the Nazis. All and all it's quite a family hall of notoriety. Even his father was not what would call a major success, come to think of it. (Let's not get ahead of ourselves.)
Apart from the collective automatic flinching at the mention of the Bush name, Jeb Bush appears on the surface to have a lot going for him. Sean Trende, writing for RealClear Politics puts it this way:
For many conservative Republicans, the dream outcome of the primary season is a brokered convention. Disappointed in the four remaining choices, they hope to change horses in August, and draft their preferred candidate, be it Jeb Bush, Mitch Daniels, Chris Christie, or Paul Ryan.
But like a lot of things in the world of politics, appearances can be deceiving.

Friday, March 2, 2012

The Far Right vs. The Christian Ethic: Who is my Neighbor?

by Nomad

Parable Samaritan Christianity

Although I wouldn't classify myself as a devout Christian, I have been raised as one and am familiar, at least, with the philosophy of the teachings. One of my favorite stories from the New Testament is the one known as “The Good Samaritan.”

Most people think of this story as a call to charity for those less fortunate and in this narrow sense, I suppose that is true. However, there's a lot more to it than just being a "do-gooder" or being politically correct and or even about doing a favor for somebody when he is down on his luck. It's not about being a "bleeding heart."

The parable does have that aspect, of course, but, like many famous parables, there's more than what meets the eye.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

In the Next Election....

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