Thursday, April 19, 2012

Mitt Romney and the NRA: The Conning of the GOP Voters

Mitt romney Nomadic Politics
by Nomad
Damn the historical record! To hell with what I said in my past. I'll say anything! I'll do anything! I am severely conservative, Darn it.

That seems to be the line that Mitt Romney thinks will carry him to the White House. And it's entertaining for your average progressive liberal to watch Romney attempt to con his own party into believing he has somehow actually changed- reversed every one of his positions.
The latest scrubbing redacting and erasing involves the National Rifle Association (NRA). Speaking National Rifle Association's annual convention in St. Louis with an estimated 70,000 people in attendance, Romney last weekend made every attempt to win the hearts and minds of gun owners.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

America's Dystopian Future? You Have Been Warned.

Artwork by Masakatsu Sashie
by Nomad
It's getting increasingly more difficult to decide what is science fiction and what is the real world. I stumbled across a couple of stories that might give us an unpleasant foreshadowing of things to come if things keep going the way they are now. One note of caution, however: this kind of speculation is not for the paranoid.

Discover Magazine has a story ( Seeing Crime Before It Happens ) that could have been snatched from the Philip K. Dick novel, "Minority Report.

Ladies, Listen Carefully: A Free Poster

War on Women, Poster, Remember in November, Election, Nomadic Politics

I based this poster design on some of the old war posters.  I thought that don't-mess-with-this-gal look fit the bill quite nicely. "Bent on revenge" is how I would describe that expression on her face. This poster is free for anybody who wants to download it. 

There are only 203 days left until the next election. Some people are counting on the public (and especially women) to be forgetful or distracted by the time November rolls around. It's possible but I hope not. 

Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Quote Game: Who on Earth Said That?

Who Said That?: The Quote Game
Like a game of "Pin the tail on the Donkey," the Quote Game pins the quote on the person. 

Time for a little game. An afternoon diversion. I have collected these quotes by the famous and the infamous and I realized that without more information, it's becoming harder and harder to know the difference.
Take your best shot. The answers are given at the end.

1. Today Christians ... stand at the head of [this country]... I pledge that I never will tie myself to parties who want to destroy Christianity .. We want to fill our culture again with the Christian spirit ... We want to burn out all the recent immoral developments in literature, in the theater, and in the press - in short, we want to burn out the *poison of immorality* which has entered into our whole life and culture as a result of *liberal excess* during the past ... (few) years.
a. Newt Gingrich
b. Sarah Palin
c. Rick Santorum
d. Adolph Hitler
e. Jerry Falwell