Sunday, May 27, 2018

Sanity Sunday- Dulcimer Music by Ted Yoder

by Nomad

Goshen, Indiana resident Ted Yoder has been called "the master of the hammer dulcimer." Although Yoder grew up in a musical family, he received his first dulcimer as a wedding gift only 13 years ago. Yet the talented musician has since grown to become the 2010 National Hammer Dulcimer Champion.

Here are a few of his covers of familiar tunes.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Father Coughlin: How Christian Fascists in the 1930s Perverted the Term "Social Justice"

by Nomad

Last week, Rev. Grady Arnold, pastor of Calvary Baptist Church in Cuero, Texas, submitted a draft resolution demanding that the Southern Baptist Convention reject various forms of “social justice” philosophy. Arnold called the concept of social justice to be an example of Marxist ideology.

According to Arnold, social justice was an “evil" and not about rights and compassion but about “liberal theology.” In his resolution, he claimed that social justice activism is "a vehicle to promote abortion, homosexuality, gender confusion, and a host of other ideas that are antithetical to the gospel."
“This social justice is creeping down into local churches. If we start down this road today, where will it end?”

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

50 Years Ago, Civil Rights Leaders Spoke Out on Gun Control.. Today the Problem is Worse

by Nomad

A half-century ago, these two civil rights leaders spoke out for the need for sensible gun control laws in this country. Not long afterward, they were senselessly murdered by lone, deranged extremists with guns.


Sunday, May 20, 2018

Sanity Sunday - The Music of Camera Obscura

by Nomad

The group, Camera Obscura, has been around for awhile. This  Scottish indie pop band from Glasgow was formed back in 1996. I have my own association with the group. Their songs offered me a good deal of comfort when I was exiled to New York City during a time of apprehension and anxiety.
But that's another story.

The band has shape-shifted somewhat over the years. It is currently comprised of Tracyanne Campbell (guitar, vocals), Kenny McKeeve ( guitar, vocals), Gavin Dunbar (bass), and Lee Thomson  (drums). If you would like to learn more about the group, click here.

Friday, May 18, 2018

The Incremental Steps Toward a Fascist State

by Nomad

First published in 1955, the book, They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933-45,  dealt with a difficult subject in the aftermath of a national catastrophe. It is an examination of the lives of ordinary Germans who lived under the Third Reich.

Journalist Milton Mayer's goal wasn't to shame or berate or even to hold anybody accountable. Without moral judgment, without recriminations, he simply searched for answers: How could this have happened? Or more precisely, how could people let this happen?