Friday, February 8, 2019

This H. L. Mencken Quote about Hypocritical Evangelists Could Hardly be More Timely

by Nomad

About a century ago, writer H. L. Mencken perfectly summed up the problem for politically-minded evangelists:
They have gained (at least transiently) a formidable power over politicians even worse than they are, but they have wrecked their church. They have won a battle and lost a war.
But he also saw the demolition of the church as a reason for optimism.
The wrecking of such churches as these, whether they be spiritual or secular, seems to me to be an excellent gauge of the progress of civilization. For men become civilized, not in proportion to their willingness to believe, but in proportion to their readiness to doubt.

Friday, February 1, 2019

What It's Like To Be An "Other" in Trump's America

by Nomad

Meet Libya-born Mohanad Elshieky‏, a stand-up comedian based in Portland. With his unique perspective, Elshieky‏ is a rising star in the comedy scene. The laid-back performer has won accolades for his ability to find humor in dire circumstances. 

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Weekend Musical Break - Ron Sexsmith

by Nomad

Somehow I had never heard of Canadian singer-songwriter, Ron Sexsmith until just the other day. I can't explain it. He has been laying down tracks and touring for decades.

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Film: Love Thy Neighbor

by Nomad

Here at the blog, we spend quite a bit of time bashing phony Christians and evangelicals for their hypocrisy. In fact, we are in good company. Americans have a long and proud tradition of mocking the self-righteous, especially the religious variety. 

One of America's most beloved authors, Mark Twain once wrote:
If Christ were here there is one thing he would not be--a Christian.
As Twain pointed out many times, the major problem isn't so much that there are not enough Christians, but that so many Christians refuse to actually follow the tenets of their faith.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

The NRA's Financial Weakness Explained

by Professor , Ohio State University

In August, the National Rifle Association (NRA) made a fairly shocking announcement. According to a recent court filing, the organization was "in grave financial jeopardy" and could soon “be unable to exist… or pursue its advocacy mission.”