Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Our Benedict Arnold Presidency

by Nomad

When we examine the most infamous traitors of American history, we inevitably turn to Benedict Arnold? His crime was treason but specifically, what were the details of that crime?
For this discussion, a few historical details are important.

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Sophie Scholl and the Conscience of the Nation

by Nomad

This 22 February marked the 75th anniversary of the trial and execution of  21-year-old Sophie Magdalena Scholl. Along with her brother, Hans, and her friend, Christoph Probst, Sophie was charged with and convicted of high treason against the Nazi regime.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Why Russian Opposition Leader Navalny's Recent Video Deserves a Closer Look

by Nomad

At the beginning of this month, while all of us were preoccupied with porn star pay-offs and Trump's tweets, the main opposition leader in Russia, Alexei Navalny posted a video on YouTube, outlining interesting accusations against the Putin administration.
His private investigation involves a wild cast of characters: an indiscreet escort, a philandering oligarch, and an extremely powerful, and possibly corrupt government official.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Florida Inmates Serve Time Caring for Abandoned Animals

by Nomad

In honor of National Love Your Pet Day, here's a short video about an innovative program at the Stock Island Detention Center in Key West involving abandoned animals and incarcerated inmates.

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Christopher Hitchens' Banana Republic of America- Revisited

by Nomad

KLEPTOCRACY  Christopher Hitchens

The term "banana republic" can be traced back to a collection of short stories by O.Henry a called "Cabbages and Kings." In that book, he described his observations based on the time he lived in Honduras when he was on the run for bank embezzlement. The portrait O. Henry drew was not a flattering one.

The bare-bones definition of a "banana republic" is a politically-unstable nation with an economy dependent on a chief export controlled by a single corporation, usually in foreign hands.
But there's more to it than that.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Good News Round -Up for Week Two of February 2018

by Nomad

In an endless search of positive news, I scoured the Internet, hunting high and low. and I managed to find these four stories for all my glum Nomads. 

Super Beans for Human Beings

Let's talk beans. Specifically, super beans. 
Developed by scientists at the National Agricultural Research Organisation of Uganda, in collaboration with the Colombia-based International Centre for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), the Nabe 15 bean is better than your average bean. It's a fast-maturing, high-yield variety that drought-resistant. 

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Sanity Sunday- The Music of Zach Winters

 by Nomad

Norman, Oklahoma-based artist Zach Winters has been described as "a multi-instrumentalist, a reader, a man of faith, a writer and a dedicated husband and father." According to his bio, Winters has had the honor to sing for Syrian refugees, laboring mothers, orphans in Mexico, and his friends, neighbors and family.

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Insecurity on Display: Trump's Pompous Parade and Nixon's Palace Guards

by Nomad

Back in January 1970, then-president Richard Nixon took a good look at the White House guard (secret service uniformed division) and made a decision. The attire was not suitably fancy.
It would not do.
And so, he ordered an overhaul of the uniforms to match what he had seen in palaces worn in other countries.

From now on, the president ordered, the guards would be decked out in uniforms which featured a white, double-breasted tunic with gold shoulder trim and a stiff shako hat with peaked front.  

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Trump and the Lessons of the Rise of Benito Mussolini

by Nomad

Comparing Donald Trump to some of the more infamous dictators of the past is pretty standard fare nowadays. However, without even mentioning Trump by name, one blogger, Quintus Curtius, in an interesting blog post has made a few fascinating points about the Italian fascist Mussolini and the series of events that put him in absolute control.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Sanity Sunday- The Temptations by Request

by Nomad

This week, a lead singer of The Temptations, Dennis Edwards, passed on at his home in Chicago. They did not disclose the cause of death but he had apparently been ill for some time.

Having joined The Temptations in 1968, Edwards was the voice behind such Grammy-winning hits as Papa Was a Rollin' Stone and Cloud Nine.

Edwards was not one of the original band members. (He replaced David Ruffin after contractual disputes with Motown label.) Edwards sang with the group from 1968 to 1976, 1980 to 1984 and 1987 to 1989.

In 1989, Edwards was inducted into The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame as a member of The Temptations. Edwards was also inducted into Rhythm & Blues Hall of Fame with The Temptations in 2013.

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