Monday, April 30, 2018

The Perplexing Case of the Nimer Murders

by Nomad

Back in 2009, I stumbled across this strange story about an investigation of a horrific pair of murders that took a bizarre twist.

two-page article in the September 22 1958 issue of LIFE magazine relates the chilling and bewildering story of the Nimer murder case. The double homicide of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Nimer of Staten Island, New York, was a sensation at the time. The reason?
The chief suspect in the crime was their eight-year-old son, Melvin Dean Nimer.

The Murders and the Suspicions

Sometime before two in the morning of September 2, 1958, Melvin Nimer and his wife, Lou Jean Nimer were apparently attacked by an armed assailant in their home.

According to their son's initial account, he was awakened in the night to find a masked man attempting to choke him. His parents rushed to his aid and, in the struggle, were stabbed in the struggle. Based on the boy's description, police issued a manhunt for a white male, wearing blue dungarees and a blue print-striped shirt.
But the police officers felt something was not quite right. Given the fact that he had just witnessed the violent deaths of both his parents, his calm behavior seemed suspicious.

Friday, April 27, 2018

Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un: Trump's "Honorable" Little Rocket Man

by Nomad

Recent surprising comments from President Trump calls into question his ability to judge the character of his adversaries.

Open and Honorable

Despite over a year of saber-rattling and the trashing any kind of negotiation with North Korean leader, President Trump recently did an inexplicable about-face. 

Just the other day, Trump declared that the dictator Kim Jong-un "has really been very open and I think very honorable based on what we are seeing." Trump also said that he was looking forward to meeting Kim "very soon."

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Good News Round-up- April 2018

by Nomad

This month's good news round-up includes stories about technology making life better, health breakthroughs and remarkable people going out of their way to help others.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Sanity Sunday- Music by The Secret Trio

by Nomad

For this Sanity Sunday, I want to introduce you to three artists, each of them can be considered esteemed artists in their own right.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Here's Why Trump's Solution to the Opioid Epidemic is Foolish, Cruel and Bound to Fail

by Nomad

"This Horrible, Horrible Situation"

President Trump has never shied away from talking about the opioid epidemic. In October, he declared it to be a national public health emergency under federal law. He said:
No part of our society — not young or old, rich or poor, urban or rural — has been spared this plague of drug addiction and this horrible, horrible situation that’s taken place with opioids.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Twelve Russian Vetoes and the Failure of the UN Security Council

by Nomad

An Exchange of Vetoes

On Tuesday of this week,  April 10, Russia used its veto power at the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) to block the adoption of a resolution to condemn last week’s deadly gas attack in Syria and push Moscow’s ally, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, to cooperate with international inquiries into the incident.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

A Look Back at the Time Fox and Friends Called Mr. Rogers an "Evil, Evil Man"

by Nomad

Fox & Friends, the folks who the Washington Post described as "very much governing the thoughts and impulses of President Trump" has had a long history of spreading hate. But who remembers the time when they attacked one of America's most beloved icons, Fred Rogers. 

The Evil Genius

Back in May 2008, the producers of Fox & Friends turned the blowtorch of hate to one of America's best-loved and iconic figures, Mr. Fred Rogers. Mr. Rogers, children's television personality, musician, puppeteer, had died five years before and was unable to defend himself.
For this reason, Fox News must have considered him "fair game."

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Sanity Sunday- The Classical Ukulele of Samantha Muir

by Nomad

Whenever I think of the ukulele, I see visions of Hawaiian dancers in grass skirts and hibiscus flowers in their hair. If I think a bit harder, there's image of a 1920s Princeton student with a pennant and a straw hat, wearing a raccoon coat.
After that, I draw blanks.

Musician Samantha Muir has opened my mind to the possibilities of the ukulele. Born in England, Samantha moved to Australia with her family at the age of seven.  Muir has studied at prestigious schools such as Sydney Conservatorium, the Victorian College of the Arts and the Royal College of Music in London. She has given solo recitals in England, Wales, Australia, and Spain.(You can find her complete biography here.)

Friday, April 6, 2018

How YouTube's Malicious and Insane Conspiracy Theorists Finally Came Home

by Nomad

One Sunday Morning in Texas

On November 5, 2017, 26-year-old Devin Patrick Kelley walked into the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas, armed with a Ruger AR-556 semi-automatic rifle. He was wearing black tactical gear, a ballistic vest, and a black face-mask featuring a white skull.

Within minutes, Kelley had killed 26 and injured 20 others. After a high-speed chase, the shooter was cornered by police and took his own life.
It was a story we have, unfortunately, become quite familiar with.

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Sanity Sunday - The Songs of Stephen Chalk

by Nomad

After the last post, consider this Sanity Sunday post a bit of a palate cleanser for the soul.

Chorister Stephen Chalk is a teenage Scottish soprano with an enchanting treble voice.
Since the age of six, he has performed at the renowned Paisley Abbey of the town of Paisley, Renfrewshire, west of Glasgow, in Scotland.
He explains:
"Singing makes me feel happier and uplifts my spirit. I want to share my music with other people and hopefully make them happy too."
He also adds:
"I am passionate about singing because it helps me express myself in ways I do not know very many others can." 
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