by Nomad
CNN reported yesterday how Trump was attempting to "clean up" the controversy involving his refusal to disavow
Ku Klux Klan grand wizard
David Duke's endorsement. Duke told reporters that the KKK had hundreds of thousands of followers online "who will vote for
Donald Trump."
"Donald Trump has the potential to bring in millions of new voters who agree with our positions.Based on the analytics, I would say my support is very strong."
To this, Donald Trump was silent and later claimed he had no idea who David Duke was. The Republican establishment, now in total dread at the prospect of Trump becoming the nominee, claimed to be appalled that Trump didn't repudiate the support of Duke and other white supremacist groups.
Sounds to me that there's a little confusion here and quite a bit of hypocrisy from the GOP establishment. Seems like somebody could use a history lesson.
What's to Clean Up?
To hear the outcry against Donald Trump's failure to reject the KKK love kisses, one would think the front runner is doing something out of the ordinary.
Actually, Trump really ought to be commended for keeping alive the Reagan tradition of race-baiting.
Let me explain. This is actually a case of history repeating itself.
Ronald Reagan was running for governor of California, there were a lot of political analysts who considered him an extremist.

Part of that reputation came from a rousing speech he made on behalf of Republican
Barry Goldwater in the 1964 election. Goldwater famously said:
I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue!
Even though Reagan's speech was considered a fine piece or oratory, it could not save Goldwater who lost the election by one of the largest margins in history.
Reagan's detractors said that he was not a real politician at all. He was a TV and film actor. He had no experience in politics. The ones who protested the loudest against Reagan were the GOP moderates who thought Reagan would drive off the middle of the road voters and wreck havoc in the GOP.
It was during this race that candidate Reagan was confronted with a problem very similar to the one Donald Trump faced the other day.