by Nomad
Nomad takes
a look at the rather ridiculous hysteria
surrounding a recent film, dealing with
S&M and sexual submission.
It was pretty predictable that some heads would explode as soon as British author E. L. James' 2011 erotic romance novel came out as a film. The subject matter was just a little too hot for some people.
A thoughtful depiction of a consensual S&M relationship was, for many tightly wound conservatives apparently pushing the envelop too far.
It was just a matter of good taste either.
Sin with a Mainstream Appeal
According to the Catholic Dioceseof El Paso, Texas, it's is a sin to watch the film "Fifty Shades of Grey."
At least, that's what El Paso Catholic
Bishop Mark Seitz has written on in a post in his website.
"I’m not going to tell you that you may not go to see the movie, Fifty Shades of Grey. I’m just going to tell you to do so would be a sin."
Seitz says he considers the film
to be little more than "pornography
with a dangerous and degrading mainstream appeal." That hasn't stopped the
newly-debuted film from having a phenomenal opening weekend. In fact, with a heap of juicy publicity like that Sietz should be on somebody's payroll.
The bishop takes the long
standing view that there can be no passive participation in pornography. Just
being a viewer is an act of endorsement and form of approval.
That right there is a sin.