Saturday, November 24, 2018

Operation InfeKtion: The Seven Commandments of Fake News - Part 2

by Nomad

Operation InfeKtion: The Seven Commandments of Fake News is part two of a three-part NYT op-ed series takes a closer look at Russia's highly developed disinformation campaign and why it has, so far, been so effective.

Firstly, it's important to understand the basics.
What's Putin's long-term goal? 
To pit the West against itself and break up our alliances.
How does this plan operate?
By turning liberal democracy's strengths, freedom of expression, a free press, into tools to disrupt societies.
And why?
Because Russia is suddenly much more powerful and can take on other countries one by one, trying to reshape the world order in Russia's favor. Disinformation is one of Putin's favorite and, as it turns out, most effective tools.

Take 15 minutes and watch this fascinating exploration of the techniques of disinformation as revealed by former agents and experts.