Sunday, October 2, 2022

Sanity Sunday Musical Break for October 2022

by Nomad

I thought you would might like a bit of calming music this Sunday. 

It has been said that October is "the treasurer of the year." It has always been the month of harvest festivals going back to the earliest of human history. 
In pagan days, such festivals honored a fertility goddess and celebrated the success of the harvest. After all, it was for them a matter of survival.
And all the months pay bounty to her store:
The fields and orchards still their tribute bear,
And fill her brimming coffers more and more.

The Roman goddess of the harvest, Autumnus, symbolized the agricultural abundance of the last season of the year. It was commonly associated with olives, wine, fruit, and nuts. 
Beyond the harvests, this goddess is also associated with thankfulness, balance, and wisdom- all things that come from reflection. 

And October is a proper time for that kind of reflection and summing-up.  October gives us 31 days to look back over the year and take stock of what we lived, of our achievements and our disappointments, and what we have gained and what we have lost.

Have a restful day.